We Love Art & Teas!
(... & Coffee!)

One day, My husband and I were sitting in our favourite tea drinking spot and we thought "Look at mum's paintings, the feeling we were getting when the paintings colours and intention take you on a journey by complementing what you're tasting in the tea really set the mood and matched the moment, we discussed how the artwork really complements the spaces we live in and are amazing and creative, it will be a shame if people don't see what we've seen. Imagine this on tea packaging! Since that moment RTEA came to life and we have been working so hard on getting this to you.
The search for all the best organic tea ingredients of premium quality from around the world and from multiple origins are over, we have hand selected the mixes of teas to give you the perfect flavour profile. We have designed all the packaging, hand packed and labelled everything you see... This has been so much fun.
Now here we are here and ready to be your new favourite!
When we think RTEA, we think of "Art To Consume". Mum's art works really allow you to go on a journey, we hope it takes you to the same place it does us and fills you with the wonder of your own imagination.
"When you see our products. On the shelf, it looks beautiful. Hold it in your hands, it smells & taste good."
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RTEA - Based in New South Wales, Australia