Welcome to R TEA, where we believe that life is too short for bad tea! We are a wholesale store that is passionate about all things tea. Whether you're a tea connoisseur or just starting your tea journey, we've got something brewing just for you.

We're all about the good stuff. We source the supplier who have the finest ingredients from around the world to bring you the most exquisite flavours and aromas & to create a wide variety of high-quality teas. We're like tea sommeliers, but with a sense of humour and a penchant for quirky blends.

But it's not just about the tea itself. We're on a mission to create a delightful tea-drinking experience for all, that is why R TEA has quickly become a go-to destination for tea lovers near and far. 

So, what's the deal with R TEA? Well, picture this: a magical wonderland filled with the most aromatic and flavourful teas you can imagine. From soothing green teas that transport you to a zen garden to bold and invigorating black teas that kickstart your day, we've got it all. And let's not forget our herbal blends that are like a cozy hug in a mug.

Join us on this wonder-tea adventure and discover the joy of R TEA. We're here to make your tea experience extraordinary, one cup at a time. Cheers to good tea and good vibes!

Interested? Reach out to us via our contact page today. Let's start on a journey of tea excellence together!

Tins Collection Pic. Some Of Tins Collection.

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We are open for stockist from everywhere, to sell or to serve our premium teas for your precious customer to enjoy. 

Our current stockists include:

  • Wagga Visitor Centre (The Wagga Shop)
  • Wagga Art Gallery - Greeting Cards